de Castro Ylagan, wife of Simplicio Orosa, later to be renowned as Lola Kanang. This is her
earliest known photograph, may have been taken around 1900 or before
Formal portrait of Juliana
Ylagan, date unknown but could've been before 1900.
mother, Rosario Escobar, in the
center, taken
around 1916.
young Vicente Y. Orosa on the right, fresh from his studies in the United
He finished in 1911.
Vicente, standing on the right and Rosario, seated in the center, seem to
have discovered each other. They were married that year. |

Sister and brother act. Maria and Jose in
Seattle, Washington in 1919. They were attending the University of
Washington in Seattle.
Simplicia Y. Orosa and her
husband Doroteo Ylagan,
"Manong Tiong"

Simplicia, Doroteo, Rosario
and Felisa.

Wedding photograph of Jose Y. Orosa and
his bride Salud Ponce in 1928. Salud passed away prematurely without any
children. Jose later remarried and had
4 children. |

Corazon Orosa Ylagan as a young girl. She
is the daughter of Simplicia and Doroteo. She was born in 1915. |
the center is Laura Quino Orosa, wife of Nicolas, on the right
is Rosario E. Orosa
recital of Clemen
Orosa Ylagan in 1939.
Clemen now lives in
West Triangle, QC.
Cesar Orosa Ilagan, medical doctor and army officer in 1941. Escaped from Bataan
and later became the personal physician of Tyrone Power, star of the movie
"American Guerilla in the Philippines."
Angelina "Tita" E. Orosa
in 1941, before her 20th
birthday. Tita lives with
her husband Manuel "Manolo"
Velez in Brisbane, Australia.

Clementina O. Ylagan and Guillermo Villarosa on
their wedding
in 1948.

Dedication of Maria Y. Orosa Hall at
Balara water plant, 1948
American Red Cross Service medal awarded
to Maria Y. Orosa posthumously. |
Ylagan Orosa receives the Mother of the Year Award from the National
Federation of Women's Clubs in 1948. Standing left to right are Rafael,
Sixto, Simplicia, Jose, Felisa and Vicente. Nicolas is obscured, behind
Simplicia. |
Orosa of
Cabusao, Camarines Sur.
We do not know if the Orosas of Cabusao are related to the Orosas of Taal. He is the same
generation as Simplicia, Vicente, Sixto, etc.
He passed away
in the 1980's.
of Juliana Y. Orosa in Bauan. The elders ranks are beginning to thin. From
left are Laura (Tia Lauring, Mrs. Nicolas), Rafael, Nicolas, Felisa,
Simplicia, Sixto, Vicente, Severina (Tia Binay, Mrs. Sixto) and Fabiana (Tia
Bianang, Mrs. Rafael)