San Francisco Get Together, June 2005
During the weekend of June 10, 11 and 12, we (Val & Mario Orosa) were warmly welcomed to the San Francisco area by cousins Manny H. Orosa, Joe O. Aliling, three Paraiso brothers (Jerry, Jack & Joseph) and their families. First Rose,Manny & their family treated us to a sumptuous lunch at a Chinese eatery in San Jose. Manny then served as chauffeur and guide to Montery, Pebble Beach and Carmel. Saturday was Filipino Freedom Fighters Day at the USS Hornet in Alameda. One of the primary organizers was Joe Aliling and he treated us to the formal dinner dance on the hangar deck of the retired carrier. Joe was one of the caballeros in the rigodon de honor, which Val had never seen and Mario hasn't witnessed in a long long time. Thanks Joe! Then on Sunday, the Paraiso's treated us to Sunday brunch at a Mexican restaurant (with the non Mexican named of Chevy's), just north of Oakland.
The numbers of Orosa getting together was small but the quality was outstanding. We all parted imbued with enthusiasm to work together and plan a bigger better affair. A heartfelt maraming salamat to all of you from Val and Mario.