". . .We
are dazed, and we ask: 'What happened?' What made three
million men, women, and youngsters from all walks of
life converge at EDSA, completely unarmed, except for
religious statues and rosaries? And what gave them the
generosity and the valor to turn themselves in human
Fr. Francisco
Araneta |
> the
team > marc
Name: Marc
Orosa Location: Quezon City,
Philippines Email: mcorosa@skyinet.net
Website Researcher and
Writer |
Folks around here call me Marc. My whole name is Marc
Gabriel Hizon Orosa and I’m 20 years old. I function as the main
writer and resource person for this shindig.
What do I do? When Jason’s not bugging me or anything,
I write and illustrate my two comics series Sanctus and Alpha
Supreme. When I’m not doing that, I’m probably playing guitar or
banging on the drums in my den. I take Tae Kwon Do from my father.
Sometimes, I write for and illustrate some articles for our class
newsletter, the Ateneo Inside. Other than that? I just enjoy hanging
out with my friends.
Oh yeah, I study too (almost forgot about that). I’m a
freshman at the Ateneo de Manila University (just like Jason) and
used to be the president of its peer counseling group in high school
(not like Jason). I'm taking Psychology right now, probably because
I have this knack in getting inside people's heads.